Archives for posts with tag: NVP


I had a routine appointment with the obstetric Consultant today, following up on my nausea.

The husband came with me, to protect me from it all. I’m overwhelmed and needed the support.

Arrived for a 9.45am appointment and waited a little while, then saw a nurse to give a urine sample and check blood pressure and fetal heart rate. Then waited a little while longer to see the doctor.

It wasn’t a doctor I’d seen before but she was very nice.

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I had been told to attend obstetric triage at 11am today to have my blood pressure monitored.

Arrived on time, and waited in the waiting room for an hour.

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All has been quite uneventful since I was let out of the hospital yesterday.  Came home, let myself have a day off work and spent most of it asleep, started taking the new blood pressure drugs.  These are Labetalol – 100mg twice a day.  I have to go in and get monitored again on Friday to check they are doing their job.  I’ve felt fine, well actually I’ve had a really itchy head but I don’t know if that is related or not.

Something really pissed me off though.  When I got my notes back along with my discharge information and letter to my GP it all said I was to stop taking one of my two anti nausea medications (metaclorpramide).  No word on why, no mention of this to me.

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I didn’t get a huge amount of sleep in the hospital. Several reasons. One was that I had to have my blood pressure taken at 12.15am, then 4am, then they woke us up at 7.15am. Another was that I was on a mixed antenatal and postnatal ward and two of the women had newborn babies in with them so there was a bit of baby crying. Mainly though, it was just very light. And not as comfortable as my own bed.

I had to ask for some anti nausea medication, as I hadn’t taken mine with me.

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Kipling and I have reached 24 weeks together, which feels fantastic.  Kip is now a foot long and weighs a pound, and if necessary he could survive outside me.  I’m looking to keep him in for a good while yet, but this feels like a milestone.

He’s moving about quite a bit, I feel him having a good wriggle about maybe once every hour or two.  Every time it makes me smile.

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Progress with the swimming yesterday, and progress with the eating out today.

Met some friends for dinner at a restaurant for the first time in about three months. We ate dinner. It went fine.

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For the last five years I have swum three times a week. After work I’ve walked to the bus stop, got the bus to near the pool, walked to the pool, swum about a kilometre, then reversed the journey. I never thought anything of it.

Until I got this frickin pregnancy nausea and couldn’t manage the walk to the bus stop, let alone the bus journey, let alone the swim itself.

I’m gutted about this, I had these big ideas that I’d have a really healthy pregnancy, keep the weight gain minimal, be nice and fit for the birth.

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It’s a boy!

Today was our foetal anomaly (20 week) scan where we had an ultrasound to check that Kipling was all in one piece. He was.

I wasn’t so nervous about this scan as I had been about the first one, as we’ve heard his heartbeat quite often, I do seem to be getting bigger, and he was vaguely baby-shaped last time they scanned him.

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I had an extra midwife appointment today, to check up on me because I’d been ill.

Happily I am now feeling reasonably well – certainly adequately medicated and less depressed – so the appointment was brief and straightforward. I communicated this, everyone was pleased, all good.

The husband came along with me, but that’s probably the last time he’ll come to routine appointments for now as I can manage by myself and they are indeed now routine.

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Today was my weekly counselling session.

Although I wouldn’t say I currently have depression I really do feel the benefit of ‘debriefing’ all of this unpleasant nausea situation with someone who spends an hour actually listening to me.

We talked about a few things.

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